Hi my little monsters, just thought that I would set up a page on my website to show you some of my replica Lady Gaga costumes. Of course there are many more than these images so I will keep updating them as soon as I get new photos.
Donna Marie, Lady Gaga Tribute is the only Lady Gaga Tribute in the world to have accurate replica costumes of the "Bumble Bee" Dress, the Monster Ball Tour Purple Leather Jacket (complete with Swarovski Crystals (the same as Lady Gaga)), Much Music Awards studded leather leotard with working replica spark bra, Royal Variety Red Dress including neck piece, Alejandro Cape, Brit Award White Lace Cat-suite including replica head piece, Telephone white/black dress, purple winged leotard, Green Heart leotard, Grammy 2011 costume, real hair Monster jacket and skirt, Teeth leotard and Paparazzi Newspaper print cat-suit.
Please feel free to check out my Donna or Gaga gallery to compare some of my costumes.
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