Thursday, 14 July 2011

Donna Marie, Lady Gaga Tribute and Impersonator fools Saarbruecken

Donna Marie, the Donna Marie, Lady Gaga Tribute and Impersonator, fooled Saarbruecken, Germany during a pre-gig walkabout on Friday 20th. Donna was asked by Apple Computers Inc to open their new Apple store in Saarbruecken. Donna arrived dressed in the replica yellow and black gaga dress in a white limo accompanied by two security guards. Donna was later joined by a reporter and photographer from the German national newspaper Bild. After officially opening the Apple store, Donna then went on to perform at the famous E-Work concert halle to perform for a one thousand strong audience from one of Germany's biggest IT distributors, Implement IT. The gig was fantastic and received yet another standing ovation.

Donna returned to the UK on Saturday where she then performed her Lady Gaga Tribute for Gosvenor Casinos in her home town of Cardiff. The Grovenor confirmed that she was the best act that they had seen.

Here are some photos from the Walkabout and Saarbruecken gig.

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